Dark Fiction Short Story Writing Course with Matt Wesolowski
Price: 200.00
Discount Price: 140.00
In receipt of benefits, or single parent

About the event
Over 6 sessions, we will study the craft of dark fiction. We will be looking at structure, characters, atmosphere, folk beliefs, pacing, and modern phenomena. Each session will involve a discussion of literary techniques, examples from renowned authors, and writing tasks. The last 30 minutes will be spent workshopping our own pieces - critiquing each other's works-in-progress constructively. Our goal is to produce compelling short stories for a horror anthology, published in ebook form by Comma Press. Join us as we delve into this shadowy genre and emerge with fresh, spine-tingling tales to tell.
June: 25th
July: 9th and 23rd
August: 6th and 20th
September: 3rd
Week 1
Structure and characters - We will look at the overall structure of short fiction and how to create believable characters.
The last 30-45 mins of each session we will share what we have written with the group and receive constructive criticism.
Week 2
Atmosphere and place - we'll look at how some of the best dark fiction authors create atmosphere and the techniques we can use in our short fiction.
Week 3
Folk belief, the occult and modern day horrors.
In this session we'll explore how cautionary folk tales in different cultures endure into fears in the modern world and how we can layer these fears in our dark fiction stories.
Week 4
Pacing - we will look at how to pace our stories - how to build tension and stoke fear.
Week 5
We will look at modern day phenomena such as The Backrooms, Slenderman and Momo and how we are still telling stories to reflect societal fears.
Week 6
This week will be a showcase of our final pieces where we can receive constructive critique from the group to help refine what we will be including in the anthology.
For bursaries without eventbrite fees, feel free to email basma.ghalayini@commapress.co.uk