Manchester in Translation - Keynote
Keynote with Tiffany Tsao
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This keynote will be streamed live to the Comma Press YouTube channel. You can follow a link to the YouTube event from this Eventbrite page, or from the Comma Press website, social media pages (@commapress) and YouTube channel.
About the event
Tiffany Tsao: Republic of Consciousness Prize Winner 2022 and International Booker Prize longlisted translator opens Manchester in Translation 2023
Tiffany Tsao translates Indonesian fiction and poetry into English. Her translation of Norman Erikson Pasaribu's Happy Stories, Mostly was the winner of the 2022 Republic of Consciousness Prize for Small Presses and was longlisted for the International Booker Prize. Her most recent translation is the short story collection People from Bloomington by Budi Darma. She is also a novelist and has an English Ph.D. from UC Berkeley.