Marilia Mazzeo


Marilia Mazzeo was born in Ravenna, and has lived in Venice for many years. After studying architecture, she decided to change course and devote herself to writing. She has published one collection of short stories, Acqua alta (High Tide, Theoria, 1997), three novels – Parigi di periferia (Paris of the Suburbs, EL, 1998), La ballata degli invisibili, (The Ballad of the Invisible, Frassinelli, 1999) and Non troverai altro luogo (You Won’t Find Any Other Place, Frassinelli, 2017) – as well as numerous short stories, some of which have been translated into English, German and French, for anthologies, newspapers and magazines. The diary Venezia e io (Venice and I) will be published in 2021 by Helvetia Editrice.

Books by Marilia Mazzeo