Michele Catozzi

Michele Catozzi - placeholder book cover

Michele Catozzi was born in Mestre, Venice in 1960 and has lived for many years in Veneto, where he worked in publishing and journalism. He has been editor in chief of the magazine Auto d’Epoca for 25 years, and has been writing short fiction since 1999. His first novel was Il mistero dell’isola di Candia (The Mystery of the Island of Candia, GeMS, 2011). Several of his short stories have been published in anthologies and magazines. In 2014 he won the Io Scrittore literary prize for Acqua Morta (Dead Water, TEA, 2015) the first in a series of crime novels featuring Inspector Nicola Aldani, a series that has since included Laguna Nera (Black Lagoon, TEA, 2017), Marea Tossica (Toxic Tide, TEA, 2019) and Muro di Nebbia (Wall of Fog, TEA, 2021). Inspector Aldani’s investigations are often inspired by real-life events and are interwoven with the city’s current problems.

Books by Michele Catozzi