Resist(ance): a Collective Read
Join Abbey Heffer in reading five short stories from Resist over October
Price: 0.00
Discount Price: 0.00

About the event
If you can recite the six wives of Henry VIII but not what happened at Peterloo, Tolpuddle, or Notting Hill, you need to join this collective read.
We have been systematically under-educated when it comes to our country’s proud — and successful — history of protest. Collectively mobilising to read Resist is an attempt to fix that.
Join Abbey Heffer for this experimental collective read which follows the history of British protest from Boudica’s bloody rebellion against the Romans in 60AD to the fight for justice in the wake of Grenfell in 2017. In the first month, you'll be learning about five very British uprisings in five short stories.
Over the course of the month, Abbey will be sharing chats with activists, “influencers”, writers and political commentators.
Occupied Territory by Bidisha a short story on Boudica's Rising 60/61 AD reviewed in conversation with Hello from @JupitaaBaal.
Before Dawn by Anna Lewis a short story on The Merthyr Rising 1820
The Children by Lucy Caldwell on Caroline Norton 1839-73 reviewed in conversation with Denise Headley.
Savage by Kamila Shamsie on The Cato Street Conspiracy 1820 reviewed in conversation with Paige Cowan-Hall
The Whistling Bird by Karline Smith on The Notting Hill Riots reviewed in conversation with Karline Smith.
Resist edited by Ra Page in conversation with David Lowther, Supertanskiii and Ra Page.